TRUMPET TUNING Trumpet Tuning Fundamentals Tuning Page 5-6 min.Trumpet fundamentals and instrument-specific tuning process. Pitch Flexibility 2-3 min.Exercises to develop pitch flexibility with ear training. Adjusted Notes 3-4 min.Exercises to help understand how certain notes need correction. The Daily 7 7 min.A 7-minute daily intonation fundamentals and ear training session. Tendency Chart 5 min.Practice session to discover and document specific pitch tendencies of your instrument. Key Centered Intonation Key of G (Conf F) 3-4 min.Trumpet fundamentals and intonation in the key of G (Con F). Key of C (Con B-flat) 3-4 min.Trumpet fundamentals and intonation in the key of C (Con B-flat). Key of F (Con E-Flat) 3-4 min.Trumpet fundamentals and intonation in the key of F (Con E-flat). Key of D (Con C) 3-4 min.Trumpet fundamentals and intonation in the key of D (Con C). Concepts Intonation Articulation 3-4 min.Trumpet intonation/articulation exercises. Dynamics 3-4 min.Trumpet dynamic exercises to develop and control intonation. Melodic 3-4 min.Trumpet exercises to develop intonation in various melodic situations. Low register 3-4 min.Trumpet low register intonation and ear training. Upper Register 3-4 min.Range extension exercises focused on intonation and ear training.